Corn Solutions

Sorting Haploid from Diploid Kernels

Sorting haploids from diploids is a very tedious and labor-intensive process. QSorter® automatizes the process and recovers at least 80% of the total haploid population with an average net speed of 8 seeds per second, depending on kernel size and shape.


  • Haploid and Diploid Selection

  • Removal of Broken Kernels

  • Removal of Discolored Kernels

Remove Subjectivity

With its unique sorting and analysis capabilities, the QSorter® Explorer can accelerate and standardize your quality inspection process, optimize your workforce, and reduce errors. You will be able to save time and resources while increasing confidence in the quality control processes.

Be 40X Faster than Today 

The QSorter® speed is such that it can sort haploid from diploid kernels at a speed that is 40 times higher than manual selection. Furthermore, you can avoid shipping costs by running the sorting directly at the production site.

Remove Broken and Discolored Kernels

In addition to the haploid/diploid separation, the QSorter® can also remove broken and discolored kernels, therefore increasing the germination level of the batches and the crop yields. 

No Sample Preparation

With the QSorter® Explorer, no sample preparation is needed. You can simply feed your sample into the instrument and run the device. It is 40 times faster than manual processing while being consistent and providing extensive data. 

QSorter® Explorer

QSorter® sample images